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  • Wintec well on the way to wellbeing

    Health, safety and wellbeing is more than a top-down job and at Wintec, participation and interaction is proving the key to greater staff awareness. Sharing the safety and wellbeing message requires a holistic approach to work, home and play where everyone can take part.

  • Rugby star and comedian get honorary degrees from Wintec

    Rugby star and community champion Liam Messam and comedian and documentary-maker Te Radar (aka Andrew Lumsden) were awarded honorary degrees for their contribution and commitment to sport and media respectively at Wintec this week.

  • NZ wins gold in the world's largest skills competition

    Air New Zealand aircraft engineer, Jarrod Wood, won the gold medal in the aircraft maintenance skill competition of the 44th WorldSkills International Competition held 15-18 October 2017 in Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates.

  • A world away from home

    Leaving home to train at Wintec has been quite a journey for this group from the Solomon Islands. They are here to gain a better level of teaching and improve employment opportunities before they return home with new skills to teach their students.

  • Putting the f-word into accounting

    When did learning accounting become fun? When it involves a game of treasure hunt, a foray into forensic accounting and the opportunity to develop cutting edge fraud detection software.

  • IoT Waikato launch a success

    Leading innovators joined to launch IoT Waikato last week, a Wintec-led initiative to explore the Internet of Things (IoT) in the region.

  • Wintec computing degree a global job ‘ticket’

    Graduates of Wintec’s computing degree can set their sights on international work opportunities now that Wintec has successfully achieved robust accreditation and endorsement by the IT industry.

  • Nursing dream comes true thanks to a new sport scholarship

    Ngahuia Muru’s dream to become a nurse will become a reality next year, thanks to a new Wintec scholarship. The young Māori female achiever from Whakatane will study a Bachelor of Nursing as the first recipient of the Wintec Midlands Hockey Scholarship.

  • Wintec takes on the Internet of Things

    The Internet of Things or IoT and its potential for influencing change has inspired Wintec to launch IoTWaikato, to explore ways in which this hot-button technology of the moment can empower everyday lives and the region’s economy.

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