New partnership between Wintec and Pacific Rugby Players
Wintec has entered a partnership with the Pacific Rugby Players Association to provide Pacific rugby players around the world with quality, customised education options.
Wintec has entered a partnership with the Pacific Rugby Players Association to provide Pacific rugby players around the world with quality, customised education options.
Wintec has partnered with Waikato DHB to host clinical assessment workshops for local nurses and midwives, and they are attracting record numbers of participants.
Funding success for the Wintec team planning an interactive waka sculpture for Hamilton’s Ferrybank Reserve means production for the community project can now move ahead.
Three of the four Hamilton-based finalists in this year’s National Contemporary Art Award are closely connected with Wintec’s School of Media Arts.
Making breakfast and keeping the coffee coming for a room full of industry partners and Wintec staff was one of the easier challenges given to the first intake of students at Wintec’s Design Hub.
Residents at Hamilton’s Alandale Retirement Village are the proud new owners of bespoke letterboxes thanks to a project by Wintec’s My Career Pathway programme students.
Deputy Prime Minister Paula Bennett is guest speaker at the next Wintec Press Club free lunch extravaganza in Hamilton. She will speak at the hottest media event in New Zealand on Friday 9 June.
Ten Wintec students have received Dame Te Ātairangikaahu nursing scholarships from Wintec and the Māori King’s Office to encourage more Waikato-Tainui people into health careers.
A highly interactive waka sculpture planned for Hamilton’s Ferrybank Reserve on the Waikato River needs donors to come on board and fund the steel to make this six metre sculpture a reality in 2018.
Barry Harris has been appointed as Wintec’s chair of council by the Tertiary Education, Skills and Employment Minister Paul Goldsmith.
Waikato technology guru Rachel Kelly urged an audience at Wintec last week not to be afraid of the ever-changing world of technology and to instead use it to their advantage.
A Wintec research project has exposed some interesting findings about overseas drivers, their driving behaviour and accidents on New Zealand roads.
Wintec is part of Te Pūkenga - New Zealand Institute of Skills and Technology Learn More about Wintec Te Pūkenga.
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