Grad hits ground running
Bootcamps, nutrition plans and 12-hour days can all crop up in a week’s work for Tanya Oberholzer.
Bootcamps, nutrition plans and 12-hour days can all crop up in a week’s work for Tanya Oberholzer.
When Kimba Allison started her career as an adventure cave guide, she never expected that 19 years later she’d be graduating as a midwife and helping to run a birthing centre.
More than 1000 students will participate in one of seven ceremonies during Wintec's graduation week, which begins on Friday 20 March.
Wintec’s health centres have been busy helping smokers kick the habbit by highlighting the effects of smoking using a smokerlyzer.
Wintec’s music department is currently being well represented on the New Zealand series of the X Factor.
The Waikato region had seven per cent more international student enrolments last year than in 2013, according to recent figures released by Education NZ.
A lifetime dedicated to preventing child abuse in New Zealand sees Anthea Simcock, the founder and chief executive of child protection trust, Child Matters, receiving an honorary Bachelor of Applied Social Science (Social Work) from Wintec.
Wintec Communication students will soon see their very own logo around town, after their brand campaign was selected by the Waikato Environment Centre for its new food rescue initiative.
Wintec is part of Te Pūkenga - New Zealand Institute of Skills and Technology Learn More about Wintec Te Pūkenga.
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