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Bachelor of Nursing (Level 7)


Course details

Please note places on this programme are limited.

  • Semester 2 2025 applications close 15 March 2025.
  • Semester 1 2026 applications close 29 August 2025.

We apply a selection process, which may include an interview. Please view the application process here. We recommend you submit your application as soon as possible, within the closing dates above. 


The Bachelor of Nursing (Level 7) is the three-year degree qualification for those intending to become a registered nurse. After completing this degree, students sit the Nursing Council of New Zealand exam to complete their registration. There is a high demand for nurses both the Waikato, throughout New Zealand, and globally, and there are strong job outcomes for Wintec nursing graduates. 98% of Wintec nursing graduates from November 2018, are currently employed as registered nurses^.

The nursing programmes at Wintec involve a combination of theoretical knowledge and hands-on learning in real-life healthcare environments. While studying, you will have the opportunity to provide nursing care to health consumers, whānau, and communities in supervised environments. Here you can build your knowledge and skills so that as a graduate, you can step straight into the workforce feeling confident and work-ready.

Tihei Mauri Ora Kaupapa**

Students who identify as Māori or Pacific have the option to complete their programme within the Tihei Mauri Ora Kaupapa (stream). The Tihei Mauri Ora Kaupapa is focused on improving Māori health outcomes in the community. Participation provides students with an increased focus on Māori health, customs, and protocols, as well as additional support through a manaaki model of pastoral care. This is achieved through the integration of individual knowledge and that of whānau, hapū and iwi. Tauira are encouraged to work together (mahitahi) with their academic whānau (whanaungatanga) to achieve excellence in nursing practice. You will be part of a programme where you are supported by senior nursing students and by staff in a way that is representative of Māori culture. The Tihei Mauri Ora kaupapa reinforces the need to protect and legitimise mātauranga Māori from both traditional and contemporary worlds within a professional nursing context.

Do you already hold a bachelor’s degree?

Nursing applicants who are already degree-qualified could be eligible to study the Master of Nursing Science (Pre-registration) programme. Find out more here.

"Nursing felt right; I have always been a people person – if I can do just one thing that makes a difference to someone's day, I'm all about that.  Not having undertaken any study before entering the Bachelor of Nursing degree, I decided to do Te Ara Pūtake Foundation Studies course – it was an awesome introduction and really set the right path to enter the degree with confidence. "

Read Charlene's story

What you will learn

This degree includes the study of:

  • Biculturalism
  • Integration of the Treaty of Waitangi into nursing
  • Cultural responsiveness
  • Regional, national, and global healthcare needs
  • Sustainable health care management
  • Professional nursing knowledge
  • Interpersonal and therapeutic relationships
  • Research skills
  • Human biology and pathophysiology
  • Clinical and health assessment
  • Management of nursing care
  • Management and leadership

You will learn through lectures, tutorials, directed study, online activities,  simulation laboratories, and clinical practice in a variety of settings. These settings may include placements within Māori and Iwi health settings, community settings,  and in hospitals. It is expected that you will complete a significant amount of self-directed study in addition to this.

Press play for an insight into what it is like to study nursing at Wintec.

View programme modules

Year 1 - Level 5 modules

Module codeModule titleLevelCreditsPre-requisitesCo-requisites
NURS511Mātauranga Whakahāngai – He Tūāpapa/ Knowledge for Practice – Foundation 515  
Hauora ā-Hapori/Hauora in Communities 515  
NURS513Mahi Ngaio - Ngā Momo Mōhiotanga/Professional Practice - Ways of Knowing 515  
NURS514Koiora Tangata 1/Human Science 1515  
Mātauranga Whakahāngai – He Hāpai Hauora/Knowledge for Practice – Primary Care  515NURS511
NURS522Wā Whakanohonoho – Te Whānau me te Hapori/Clinical Practicum – Primary Care  515NURS511
NURS523Ngā Horopaki Papori o ngā Tapuhi o Aotearoa/Social Context of Nursing in Aotearoa 515NURS511
NURS524Koiora Tangata 2/Human Science 2515NURS514 

Year 2 - Level 6 modules

Module codeModule titleLevelCreditsPre-requisitesCo-requisites
NURS631Mātauranga Whakahāngai – Te Mahi Tiaki Rawa/Knowledge for Practice – Complex Care  630All level 5 modules 
Wā Whakanohonoho – Te Mahi Tiaki Rawa/Clinical Practicum – Complex Care630All level 5 modules  
NURS641Mātauranga Whakahāngai – Te Mahi Tiaki Tonu/Knowledge for Practice – Continuing Care615NURS631
NURS642Wā Whakanohonoho – Te Mahi Tiaki Tonu/Clinical Practicum – Continuing Care630NURS631
Hauora Māori 615All level 5 modules  

Year 3 - Level 7 modules

Module codeModule titleLevelCreditsPre-requisitesCo-requisites
NURS751Mātauranga whakahāngai – Hauora ā-Hinengaro me ngā Waranga/Knowledge for Practice – Mental Health and Addictions715All level 6 modules 
Wā Whakanohonoho – Hauora ā-Hinengaro me ngā Waranga/Clinical Practicum – Mental Health and Addictions 730All level 6 modules 
NURS753Te Whakaaroaro mō te Whakahaere Rongoā/Clinical Reasoning for Medication Management715All level 6 modules 
NURS761Ārahitanga me te Rangahau mō te Mahi Tapuhi/Leadership and Research for Nursing715All level 6 modules 
Te Mahi Kōtui/Integrated Practice 745NURS751
Bachelor of Nursing student Dayna Samuel

Dayna Samuel

  • Second-year Bachelor of Nursing student, Tihei Mauri Ora stream.
  • Psychiatric assistant, midwifery aide, and healthcare assistant at Griffin Healthcare.
  • Recipient of the Dame Te Ātairangikaahu Nursing scholarship, 2018.

In her first year of a nursing degree, Dayna Samuel won the Dame Te Ātairangikaahu Nursing Scholarship and was approached by the general manager of private healthcare company Griffin Healthcare to work as a psychiatric assistant, midwifery aide, and healthcare assistant. 

“One of my old friends, who I met in foundation studies, works for the company and she told them about me. I was approached by the general manager to see if I wanted a job.”

As a midwifery aide, Dayna goes out with a lead maternity carer to assist; this could be cleaning up a mess or comforting family. Her role as a healthcare assistant is similar as she works on the floor, helping nurses with whatever they need doing.

Working as a psychiatric assistant is the hardest part of her job, as she goes on call outs with the crisis team who are part of the Waikato District Health Board, but she says her time at Wintec is preparing her well for what she has to face.

“It’s not all Shortland Street mode. [The degree] is difficult, but it prepares you for the harsh world and the harsh reality of nursing. It also teaches you that you do have to work hard; it doesn’t just get handed to you. Here, they teach you hard work and independence and self-reliance.”

Studying in the Tihei Mauri Ora stream has created a support network for Dayna that goes beyond classroom friendships.

“Tihei Mauri Ora (TMO) is a stream offered to Māori and Pacific students in nursing. I like the quote ‘struggle together, succeed together’ and that’s what TMO is about. We’re there for each other during school, and outside of school, we help each other out because we all have our strengths and weaknesses, and we put our strengths together.”

“My study would have been different if I wasn’t in the TMO stream.”

Career/further opportunities

Graduates will sit a Nursing Council of New Zealand registration exam to become a registered nurse.

Roles can include:

  • A registered nurse in private or public hospitals in the mental health sector, in independent practice, or in the defence services
  • Nursing lecturer
  • Medical representative
  • Health consultant or administrator
  • Community nurse
  • Specialty nurse

Frequently asked questions

What can I expect from the class schedule and workload?

In the first year, students will have 150 hours over three or four weeks in their first placement, focused on primary health care and wellness. In the second year, students will complete 450 to 500 placement hours in two different clinical areas focused on acute care and continuing care. The third year will see students complete 600 hours in clinical placements, including mental health and an elective placement, which may be negotiated according to the student’s preference. Placements can be anywhere within the Waikato region and might require travel which is the student’s responsibility to organise.

Are there any additional costs associated with this programme??

Information about the additional costs of studying this programme can be found here
Will I need textbooks?
A full list of required textbooks can be found here.
Undergraduate, semester, pathway, module, and crossdisciplinary - what do these words mean?
‘Undergraduate’ means any study up to the level of completing a bachelor’s degree. Our academic year is made up of two main semesters, one from February to June, and the other from July to November. We also have a summer semester for some classes. The nursing degree is made up of compulsory and elective modules; modules are worth between 15 and 45 credits. A year’s worth of full-time study equates to 120 credits. 


In their first year, students will undertake a placement of 150 hours over three or four weeks. In their second year, students will complete 450 to 500 placement hours. The third year will see students complete 600 hours in clinical placements including mental health and an elective placement which may be negotiated according to the student’s preference. 
Placements can be anywhere within the Waikato region and might require travel which is the student’s responsibility to organise. Please note that while students are on placement, they will need access to a computer and the internet so they can undertake assessments and communicate with their tutor.
Covid-19 vaccination information
In light of the pandemic, it is highly recommended that you are vaccinated against Covid-19 if you want to apply for this programme. 

Application process​​​​​

  1. Apply online or download and complete an Application to Enrol Form.
  2. Complete the online self-disclosure form. If you have applied in hard copy, you will also need to complete a Self-Disclosure Form, if you have applied online this form is included as part of the online application process. 
  3. If applying in hard copy, and if you are unsure that you meet the entry criteria, complete the Additional Information Form. This will enable us to further assess your application. If applying online, and if you are unsure that you meet the entry criteria, select discretionary entrance, this form is then included as part of the online application process.  
  4. If you have them, provide certified copies of your prior academic transcripts. Find out more about supporting material for enrolment here.
  5. We may also need to verify your identity (your legal name and date of birth) as well as your residency status.  If you are a domestic student, we may be able to do this through your National Student Number (NSN), if we can not access your NSN number, you will need to provide evidence of this by supplying verified copies of your birth certificate or passport. 
  6. Review the checklist here to ensure you have included all necessary documentation.

    Once you have submitted your application

    • You will receive confirmation that your application has been received and will let you know if there is anything additional that we need from you. 
    • Your application will be assessed, and you will be informed of the outcome. 
    • If you are accepted to study, you will be sent an enrolment offer letter – you will need to accept this to confirm your place on the programme. Click here to find out more about enrolment and accepting your offer.

    After you have accepted your offer

    • If you do not have a current Comprehensive First Aid Certificate (NZQA units 6400, 6401 and 6402), you will need to complete this before you start the programme. 
    • At the start of the programme, you will also need to provide evidence of your immunity and vaccination status. Your doctor will need to complete the specific Centre for Health and Social Practice immunisation document, which can be found here
    • During your induction, you will be required to complete several safety checks to comply with the provisions of the Vulnerable Children Act 2014. You can find out more about the safety check process and the Children's Act here.


    No events.


    ** Students wishing to apply for the Tihei Mauri Ora Kaupapa, please contact
    ^Source: NETS graduate destination survey.

    Entry criteria

    Do you already have a bachelor's degree?

    You could be eligible to study the Master of Nursing Science (Pre-registration) programme. Find out more.

    General academic admission

    a) Candidates are required to have:

    i) University Entrance (UE) or equivalent is the minimum requirement to enter the Bachelor of Nursing programme. To qualify for entry you will need NCEA Level 3 comprised of 60 credits at NCEA Level 3 or above and 20 credits at NCEA Level 2 or above, including:

    (1) 14 credits each at NCEA Level 3 in three approved subjects made up of:

    (a) 14 credits in Biology, Chemistry, Physics or Science;
    (b) 14 credits in an English language-rich subject (such as English, History, Art History, Classics, Geography, Economics, Media Studies or Religious Studies); and
    (c) 14 credits in one further approved subject.

    ii) Literacy - 10 credits at Level 2 or above, made up of:

    (1) 5 credits in reading
    (2) 5 credits in writing

    iii) Numeracy - 10 credits at Level 1 or above, made up of:

    (1) achievement standards – specified achievement standards available through a range of subjects, or
    (2) unit standards - package of three numeracy unit standards (26623, 26626, 26627- all three required).

    b) Candidates who have studied on a Nursing Degree programme at another institution will need to meet the Bachelor of Nursing programme entry requirements or equivalent. They will also need evidence of a B grade average (i.e. above a B minus average) and a letter of recommendation and a confidential report on the student from the Head of School of the previous programme, before they will be considered for admission to the Bachelor of Nursing programme.

    c) Applicants who have completed an approved foundation, bridging or tertiary introductory programme in Health at Level 4, with 50% or higher in all modules will be considered for admission to the Bachelor of Nursing programme.

    UE 2020

    Applicants who achieved University Entrance through NCEA in 2020 will be assessed under separate NZQA entry requirements that take into account the impacts of COVID-19. Candidates are required to have:

    • University Entrance (UE), or equivalent, comprised of 60 credits at NCEA Level 3 or above and 20 credits at NCEA Level 2 or above, including:
      • 12 credits each at NCEA Level 3 in three approved subjects made up of:
        • 12 credits in Biology, Chemistry, Physics or Science;
        • 12 credits in an English language-rich subject (such as English, History, Art History, Classics, Geography, Economics, Media Studies, or Religious Studies).

    Special admission

    Domestic candidates aged 20 years or over who do not meet the General Academic Admission requirements but whose skills, education or work experience indicate that they have a reasonable chance of success may be eligible for Special Admission. Special admission will be granted at the discretion of the Centre Director or designated nominee. Such candidates may be required to successfully complete a foundation, bridging or tertiary introductory programme as a condition of entry into the Bachelor of Nursing.

    Selection criteria

    a) All candidates are required to:

    i) complete the standard Wintec application form
    ii) complete a self-declaration of criminal convictions
    iii) complete a self-declaration of mental or physical condition

    Candidates may also be required to provide additional information and/or attend an interview in order for their application to be assessed.

    b) Registered and Enrolled Nurses applying to enter the programme are required to provide verified copies of qualifications and Annual Practising Certificates (APC).

    c) Candidates are required in their application to indicate whether they have been convicted of, or are prosecuted for, a criminal offence. Candidates should be aware that, under the Health Practitioners Competence Assurance Act 2003 (HPCA Act (2003) some types of criminal conviction may result in the NCNZ declining a person registration in the registered nurse scope of practice. 

    d) Candidates are required in their application to indicate whether they have had a mental or physical condition that may prevent them entering the Bachelor of Nursing programme. Candidates should be aware that, under the HPCA Act (2003) some types of physical or mental conditions may result in the NCNZ declining a person registration in the registered nurse scope of practice.

    Clinical placement requirement

    a) Before undertaking clinical placement within the programme, candidates will be required to provide a written health and immunity status assessment from their health practitioner.

    b) Candidates who do not have current registration as a Nurse must hold a current First Aid Certificate (covering NZQA Unit Standards 6400, 6401 and 6402) prior to undertaking clinical placement in the programme.

    Safety check

    In order to comply with the provisions of the Vulnerable Children’s Act, 2014 and Child Protection Policies for all ‘specified organisations’ providing a ‘regulated service’, all candidates/students will be subjected to safety checks. These will include but are not limited to;
    i. A Formal Interview
    ii. Referee Checks
    iii. A Police Vet Check
    iv. A Risk Assessment

    Any unsatisfactory result arising from the full safety checking process may result in the candidate/student being precluded/declined entry or withdrawn from the programme of study. Furthermore, students must declare any pending or new convictions arising during any stage throughout the entire enrolment period. A conviction or failure to declare a conviction may also result in the student being immediately withdrawn from the programme. Persons who are convicted of ‘specified offences’ will not be accepted onto any programme that requires that person to work in an organisation providing a regulated service.

    English language requirements

    Candidates who have English as a second language are required to have an International English Language Test System (IELTS) score of 6.5 across all bands; or Equivalent.

    Want to see full details of the entry criteria?
    Don't meet the entry criteria?


    Entry to Nursing Pathway

    To check what you need to gain direct entry to a course, review the entry criteria available on each programme page. These assist you in understanding what qualifications or experience are typically required to gain entry. You can contact our team at or 0800 2 Wintec at any time for further guidance.

    Your first day

    Are you ready for your first day of class? Check out your start date and where you need to be. You can also find useful information about studying at Wintec on our welcome page.

    Semester 1 2025

    Whānau evening
    Date: Wednesday 29 January 2025
    Time: 5.30pm-8pm

    Venue: Events Room 1, City Campus

    Date: Monday 3 February to Wednesday 5 February 2025
    Time: 8.30am-4pm

    Venue: The Atrium, City Campus

    Sessions include:

    • Health and social practice sector expectations
    • Kaimahi (staff) introductions
    • Programme overview
    • Setting up for success in studies
    • Timetables
    • Campus tour
    • Panel discussion
    • Programme processes overview
    • Health services, library support, Manaaki Pūkenga academic skills workshop
    • Clinical experience, SONIA and passport
    • Children’s Act and Police Vetting information session
    • Introduction and set-up for Moodle
    • Student ID Cards
    • Whakawhanaungatanga Q&A
    • Uniforms
    • Lab and ward orientation
    • Clinical passport forms
    • Children’s Act and Police Vetting submissions

    Returning students, please check your timetable below for your first day of class.

    What you will need

    Bring a pen and notebook with you. We recommend you bring a device, such as a laptop or a smartphone, that has access to a video player, PDF reader and Microsoft software. Find more about device specifications here.

    You will also need to bring your ID documents for Police Vetting (VCA). For more information, click here.

    Please wear closed footwear, bring your lunch and a drink bottle or cup. There are microwaves, hot water and snack vending machines in The Hub. If you prefer, sushi and our café serve an array of hot and cold food and beverages or alternative food establishments close by.

    Timetable information

    All Wintec timetables are available online here.

    How to find your way around

    Campus maps can be found here.

    Parking and bus information

    Both the Rotokauri and City campuses have parking available - payment and permits may be required. The Gardens Campus has free parking available. Learn more about parking and find out about bus services here.

    He reo pōwhiri, your official welcome to Wintec

    Tēnei te mihi mahana ki a koe e piki nei, e kake nei ki te Kuratini o Waikato.

    You are warmly invited to attend the official welcome to Wintec for all new students, staff and whānau (family) at either our marae, Te Kōpū Mānia o Kirikiriroa or Rotokauri campus. The pōwhiri is a welcoming ceremony involving mihimihi (speeches), waiata (singing), and will conclude with kai timotimo (light refreshments). Please gather at the campus hubs, and a staff member will guide you through our pōwhiri.

    Click here to find out when the next pōwhiri will be.

    Paying for your study

    Course-related costs

    Additional information

    Vulnerable Children Act (VCA) Safety Check
    Wintec is required by law, under the Vulnerable Children Act 2014, to safety check students enrolled in undergraduate nursing programmes. For more information, click here.

    Mobile phones
    Costs are dependent on the type of phone and plan chosen.


    The Bachelor of Nursing textbook list can be found here.

    Cost: Approximately $850 (new) for the first year (includes access to Kura Cloud).
    Please note that it is optional to purchase textbooks. All required textbooks are available through the Wintec library at no charge.

    Purchasing textbooks

    If your programme requires you to have access to textbooks, these can be purchased through a range of suppliers listed below:

      New Zealand-based suppliers

      General book suppliers

      First aid certificate

      All students must have a current comprehensive first aid certificate (NZQA units 6400, 6401 and 6402). If you do not have a current first aid certificate, you will not be given a clinical placement. 

      Cost: Approximately $120-$240

      Health status

      Health screening and vaccinations 

      All students must have completed a Health Screening Form and are cleared for clinical practice placement. Immunisation status can only be ascertained by a blood test arranged by your doctor/health provider, there will be associated costs. Forms will be available during week one. Vaccinations are available from Wintec Health Services or your Medical Practitioner/Medical Centre. 

      Cost: Up to $300 depending on provider and screening/vaccinations required. In addition, some students may require follow-up screening or vaccinations. Annual flu vaccinations during the declared influenza season are also a requirement for students undertaking a clinical placement in Te Whatu Ora Waikato (unless using an approved face mask). 


      Uniform for nursing practice 

      Our uniform supplier will be at our main campus during your induction, to custom fit your uniform to order. 

      Uniforms are available from $79-$99. You will need to provide your own full-length navy trousers; and black or dark brown lace-up shoes or closed-in style, non-porous with a soft sole and low heel.  

      You will also require a watch with a second hand that can be clipped to your uniform. 


      Clinical placement

      • First Year: Up to 150 hours
      • Second Year: 450 to 500 hours
      • Third Year: 600 hours
      All students should plan for a minimum of one out-of-town placement, but there may be more. Placements are structured in 3-week, 4-week, 6-week, 7-week, and/or 10-week blocks throughout the programme. You will be required to pay for your own travel, parking, and accommodation when undertaking clinical placements.

      Travel, parking, and accommodation
      Your first clinical placement will occur in your second semester of study and is three to four weeks long. Placements are anywhere within the wider Waikato Region. You will be required to pay for your own travel, parking and accommodation when undertaking clinical placements.
      Please note that while you are on placement, you will need access to a computer and the internet so you can undertake assessments and communicate with your tutor, etc.

      Placement locations
      Placements are situated across the Waikato region, ranging from Taumarunui to the south of Hamilton and the Coromandel to the north, each approximately 160km from the Hamilton City Campus. Local placements may require travel of up to 40km, with associated costs like travel, parking, and accommodation being the student's responsibility.

      Schedule and transportation
      Typically, clinical placement shifts extend eight hours, starting at 6.30am (AM shift), 2.30pm (PM shift), or 11pm (night shift). Public transport may not ensure timely arrival or departure from your placement location. All students should plan for a minimum of one out-of-town placement, but there may be more. A lack of a driver's licence does not mean a student will not be allocated an out-of-town placement. You can find information on driver's licences in New Zealand here. For international students, having a driver's licence before arriving in New Zealand will expedite getting a New Zealand licence.

      Preparation and resources
      We work closely with placement providers to find excellent learning opportunities for all students. Placement providers determine the location, roster, and availability of student placements. All placements offer valuable learning experiences.

      Vaccination guidance
      It is highly recommended that you are fully vaccinated against Covid-19 (two primary and one booster) if you want to apply for this programme. 

      Prospectus (course guide)

      The Wintec Prospectus (otherwise known as a course guide) outlines everything you need to know about Wintec. It contains information about the Wintec campuses, student life, and the programmes that are on offer.

      Access your copy of the Wintec Prospectus

      The Wintec Prospectus (course guide) is available by downloading the file - click on the document below to access the file. Alternatively, to request a copy via email or the post, please complete the form below.

      Request an emailable or printed copy of the Prospectus


      Need help? Want to know how to get started?

      Leave your details here and we will come back to you:

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