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Change to enrolment and withdrawal form

If you wish to withdraw or change your enrolment in any Wintec programme or module(s) you must notify Wintec by completing and submitting this online form. The date this form is submitted is the date Wintec will formally use for processing and reporting purposes.

For full details of both the domestic and international refund policies please refer to the Student Fees and Refunds Policies available on our website at



Do you wish to withdraw from the whole programme? *


Select a choice *

If you have applied for a StudyLink loan or allowance you must notify them immediately of the change to your enrolment.

Wintec is required to advise StudyLink of a withdrawal or change to enrolment, within five days of receiving this form.


Do you wish to enrol into a new programme? *


Where I am transferring to other modules/programme at Wintec or where I am changing (either by adding modules/programme) or ceasing study in some of the modules or programme I was enrolled in, I agree:

  1. The provisions of the Wintec enrolment declaration I signed or agreed to in my online enrolment continue to apply to me and I am bound by that agreement except to the extent as expressly varied on this form; and
  2. The date of withdrawal is deemed to be the date this form is submitted online by me and the date Wintec will use as notification of my change of enrolment.
I declare that to the best of my knowledge the answers I have provided are correct and I have not withheld any information that could have a material bearing on my enrolment.
I acknowledge that I am bound by the statutes, regulations and policies of Wintec (available on the Wintec website). *

Wintec will store your contact details to respond to your query, keep a profile of your interactions with Wintec, and send you promotional material.

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