Manaaki Ākonga – Mentoring and Peer Tutoring
We understand that some students may learn the best from another student and have two support programmes available that connect experienced students with those who may benefit from a helping hand. Our teaching staff has recommended our tuākana and peer tutors as showing all the key attributes to support other students coming through.
What is in it for you?
- Out of class support
- Focused support
- Tutoring from a current student who knows your programme

Tuākana-Tēina is an inclusive model of support based on the sharing of experiences, knowledge, and information through connected relationships, respect, and care for learners.
Tuākana are experienced Wintec learners who facilitate regular study groups within their programme of study. They understand the struggles and rewards of student life for those navigating their first year of study and are committed to helping make your journey as smooth as possible. Tēina are learners studying with us for the first time.
- Fostering a safe place and space to ask questions and meet other people
- Course advice
- Moodle help
- Study tips and tricks
- Pastoral support (alongside our kaiāwhina)
- Links to other support services
- Fostering a safe place and space to ask questions and meet other people
Peer tutors
Peer tutors are experienced and knowledgeable learners who have previously completed the course you are studying and are able to provide effective tutoring on course content. They can also link you to other support services.
- 1:1
- Small groups
- Embedded in class
Contact us
Our office hours are Monday through Friday, 9am-4pm, and we are located at Te Kete Manaaki in the Gallagher Hub at the Hamilton City Campus.